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Area fire by the AI: a pleasant surprise

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I am playing a scenario in which for a extended period of time, the volume of shooting is very low, making it easy to detect who is shooting at whom.

I have seen very clear evidence of a Tac AI-controlled unit on my side firing at an enemy unit that was only a contact. The firing is slow and spaced out -- clearly just suppressive -- but effective and sustained. I believe that in every case, the enemy unit was fully spotted by someone (not necessarily by the firing unit, but by someone in the same C2 net) and then reverted to being only a contact (to everyone, not just the firing unit). IOW, the platoon HQ is ordering the platoon MMG to fire at something the HQ previously spotted, either to keep the enemy unit suppressed or to make him show himself again.

This may not be a surprise to everyone, but to an old CM1 player, it's a terrific thing to see. :)

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