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CMBB : How can I improve framerate/reduce proc load ??

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Hello there !

Ok, I've made a good compromise between details and framerate.

1/ BMP files reduced by 75% are :

- terrain textures (steppe, grass, snow...)

- buildings and houses (normal and winter)

2/ BMP files reduced by 50% are :

- Trees (normal and winter)

- roads, train tracks, water

- tree bases, fields, marsh...

3/ BMP files originals are :

- ALL units textures (tanks, uniforms)

- Sky backgrounds

- Interface structures

For trees, bases, roads and other which contain pink spots, I only reduced them by 50% (I've tried 75 % unsuccesfully) using Photoshop, and with "Interpolation" to "Nearest Neighbor" in "Preferences" settings. It works (thanks mchlstrt :D ).

I've not mode any Color Downsampling.

Now, framerate is higher, and looks to be the same as in CMBO. Great !

If I have the time, I will list the BMP files I've changed. But for the moment, let's enjoy !

Cheers. smile.gif

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