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Interface requests

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Demo is superb. Game is blinding.

I have some frustrations with the GUI though. Allow me to make a couple o' suggestions;

1. Make mouse wheel MUCH more sensitive. I want to ZOOM up and down, not crawl.

2. Add a visual device (preferably text) to show in the team report what each soldier is currently doing. ie: running, shooting, taking cover, giving aid, whathever. When I click on a team marker of a team the other side of the map, I'd love to be able to glance down and see this info, rather than have to physically eyeball the unit at close range to see what they're up to. This is, of course, something I've ripped off Close Combat.

3. When I click a unit, can I not see its 'target' lines, showing who it is engaging? This used to be in CM1, but cant seem to see it here.

4. Make double left click on terrain do something: zoom the camera to that location, most likely. The more functional the mouse, the better, so as to free the left hand from camera controls, to the orders hotkeys. Why not have a function for 'hold left mouse button' as there is with the right? Perhaps, hold left mouse button and move mouse up or down to zoom in or out from current location. Why not right click on unit to fix camera a la tab? As I say, the more functionality transfered to the mouse, the better for me, as there are currently too many keyboard functions necessary for streamlined play. That on top of the fact that I think the camera needs to be a little more dynamic, by which I mean quicker and easier to fling about the map.

If some of this displays an ignorance of existing functions, please fill me in on what I'm not aware of.

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