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Engineering Oddities?

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I was running some tests tonight with various engineer units from the UK and U.S. Army forces. Something I found peculiar is that I could not get engineer units with a skill rating of 'Regular' to execute a Blast command on the near side of the wall, while a similar unit of 'Veteran' skill will execute the command. Both units were set to Normal morale and 0 leadership modifier. What would happen with the Regular unit is that they would go into 'Hide' mode for a moment like they were going to execute the blast command (they were right up against the wall), and then after a moment the TacAI would automatically change the 'Blast' command to a 'Quick' one, and then the unit would carry that latter command out.

I noticed a similar behavior can also happen with a Veteran unit after they have already blasted the near section of a wall and are asked to blast another near section of wall.

Anyone else seeing this?

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