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adv reich scenario help

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I am almost finishing up the adv reich 1941 scenario and its 1945 and I did capture leningrad, moscow, and stalingrad but I did this in 42 and 43. I am holding my own and hopefully the allies wont push to berlin. I was wondering, does Italy always surrender in the game? I was playing and they suddenly left the field!

Nice mod

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Italy does surrender once Allies land several units on the mainland. Germany needs to be prepared for this and have units in Italy once Allies start to make landings in Sicily.

What difficulty settings are you using? I tried to shoot for balance at the Int +1 level, but I'm finding I need Expert +1.5 for challenging game. My latest update in progress has a few things to toughen it up some more. I thought I may have it out by now but I'm want to review my changes some more. Maybe by end of the month.

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Hi Pzgndr,

I like this mod very much. I am actually playing the beginner level since I have a brain lock on playing this game. I like the fact that I don't have to worry about the Asian Theatre. I had a bunch of units on the mainland and the Allies landed on Sicily and then wanted to go up the boot. The problem with the Soviets was they kept moving their capital to another city.

By the way, any reason why the infantry and tanks research option is in red? I was unable to pursue upgrades in this area?


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Well, my A3R time scale is monthly turns, specifically 4-week (28-day) simultaneous turns which gives each player 13 turns per year. You could edit the Turn/Economic Data and set it to alternating seasonal turns as in the default SC campaigns. This gives each player about 14-15 turns per year, slightly more so not sure how the economics might be affected. You could give it a go and let everyone know? One of these days I might give it a try myself.

FYI, if you hold off a couple more weeks I'll be posting an update. ;)

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I am playing the game at a decent clip. It was interesting, I placed a Battleship along the Normandy Coast and the computer must have sent 6-10 transports I think in one turn near my Battleship and Uboats and they were all sunk by the Battleship. I am playing the adv reich 41 scenario. I also was able to capture Maikop and Baku near the Caspian Sea. However, the soviets are coming down to get me. I noticed the morale and readiness levels of the Soviets decreased once I captured this. I also still have Leningrad, Moscow and had Stalingrad but the Soviets moved the Capital further eastward. I still am unable to capture Moscow in 41 and not sure of what I am doing wrong. I have a lot of units in the Alps right now and I am counterattacking the USA and crushing them.

How come no ability to improve tanks? and anti-tank in the research area?

Is this what happens when you capture all spots in the Caucasus?

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huhr, the AI isn't brilliant! It's pretty good and I've scripted what I can, but execution is still driven by fuzzy logic and I cannot control that. If you're crushing the AI, then my recommendation is to crank up the difficulty setting a notch or two. I've been using Expert +1.5 lately and still smacking the AI around, but seeing more historical results.

Not sure what's happening in Caucusus for you. There are no morale effects I know of, but if Russians lose Grozny as a supply center then readiness levels would drop.

Regarding research, I was very selective in what areas to allow research and restricted the levels in most cases. The land unit OOBs are virtually identical to the boardgame and meant to remain constant, without tech upgrades since the reasoning way back when was that all nations would be upgrading along the way and staying relatively constant. The only exception I made was for Russian armor since there was no good way to have both 3-5 and 4-5 tanks. Germany should have two 5-6 tanks, but to allow them to upgrade at all means allowing all their tank units to be upgradeable and that upsets play balance.

Chasing after tech isn't the point of the game. Focus on the grand strategy and game tactics. ;)

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