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I find the sites one is directed to to download very confusing. They're selling stuff and listing dozens of other downloads and services. I downloaded V1.1 (I think) from one site which locked me out of my game completely. I then found a site I could understand and got V1.31 but all my saved games have gone. This is not the problem it would seem since I've finished the Marine campaign and wouldn't mind re-playing all the US army ones again, which is what I'm going to do.

I'm sure most players of computer games find it easy to download stuff, but I'm 62 and I use my computer like my car. It goes from A to B. My computer sends e-mails, helps me run my e bay business and I have one game on it.

Thew page on which you list the download is, in my opinion, to busy. If a download is so important it should be on a page (screen) all by itself with a clear step by step set of instructions. (Note that the "tick only the boxes that apply to your games" only kicks in when the download has been all but finished.)

So I have no complaints but I think all you computer game designers should factor in people like me. I have no interest in my computer - only what it can do for me.

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