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Stormy Weather

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We are used to bad weather in SE Asia. In the Global game I've noticed bad weather keeps going longer in Europe - especially into the Spring. I kind of like this, gives a chance to rearm and stops air being too powerful. But it caught me by surprise a few times and screwed up a TAC air plus paratrooper mediated SeaLion.

My question is has the weather model changed since WaW or is it just a run of bad luck in the games I'm playing?

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Since it takes longer for the jet stream to retreat northward from the northern climates (such as Europe) than the southern climates (such as southeast Asia) in the spring, it only makes sense for it to take longer for Europe and north Asia to calm down. The most active weather tends to take place along and just north of where the jet stream lies at a specific time.

Take it from a former weather analyst, like me. Its just realistic and logical, or my name isn't "Snowstorm". ;):D

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I just went 7 turns with rain and snow,(in Europe), and could not fly. I can live with that, but on all 7 turns, the computer had clear weather! It was able to pound me with air while mine can do nothing. Such is war!

This is a great game and I am having a blast with it.

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