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Vichy Issues

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In all of the main campaigns included with Global Conflict when Vichy is triggered, Axis units remaining in Southern France are forced out of Vichy territory, and are placed back within occupied France, or Italy.

However, in Nupremal's World (P vs P) this is not occuring and Axis units within Vichy territory surrender. This has also occured when a corps was in the territory that Russia annexes after Poland surrenders.

I understand that without an adjacent friendly hex to be forced back to these units would surrender, but in Vichy France and Poland this is not the case for the axis.

Does anyone know why these units may be surrendering? And is there a fix?

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I have not encountered this, but here's a thought that I love to pull on the French because of my historical disdain for them: Do not accept the agreement that allows for a Vichy government to be created. Makes the humilation that Hitler historically imposed on the French look amatuerish. :)

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