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Does anyone do this? Since I can't save directly into my pbem folder what i am doing now is saving the txt file onto the desktop, cutting it and pasting into the cmbb\pbem folder. I was wondering, could you make a shortcut of the pbem folder on the desktop and would the game recognize that shortcut on the desktop as the game pbem?

I am using pbem helper and i wish it worked more easily with windows 7. Has anyone ever made a similar program to the pbem helper?

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I had this problem too (see my thread about 10 posts below this one: PBEM Problem - can't find PBEM folder). I assume you know the secret place where your PBEM files are really being saved (see the post I referred to). Just make a short cut of that and put it on your desktop. That's what I've done and it works a treat - you don't need to cut and paste anything.

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hi ravells,

i have always been able to notice my pbem folder but when i tried to save the game it won't allow me to save in the cmbb program file folder where the pbem folder resides. therefore, now i am dragging the attachment to my desktop and then dragging it again into the program file folder under the pbem folder. Is there a better way to do it?

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That's interesting....when I save a PBEM game, it doesn't give me a choice. Did you read the last post where I posted the assistance received from Battlefront's helpdesk? Your PBEM folder doesn't actually reside in the CMBB program folder. See this:

Windows 7 and Windows Vista both have a feature called User Account Control (UAC). This feature is a security measure that among other things prevent programs from writing data to program file areas, such as the directory 'Program Files'. Instead such files and directories are re-directed to another directory within the User's folder called a 'VirtualStore'. With a default install this will often be '/Users/{your account name}/AppData/Local/VirtualStore/Program Files/Battlefront/Combat Mission Barbarrossa to Berlin/PBEM' for the CMBB PBEM folder. You'll find any other folder in here for CMBB that gets data written to it, such as a Scenarios folder, Save Games, etc. You'll also find other program folders/directories in the VirtualStore directory.

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I might have a fix finally on the problem with directly saving into my cmbb\pbem folder. I need to run Thunderbird in administrator mode. it seems that looks like the problem, my shortcut didnt have the box checked off as admin. I tried an old txt save file and it worked

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