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HELP!!! wih "bat" files!!

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Hey guys,

I have a big problem with "bat" type files to choose for different textures (i.e for different countries) that come with many of the mods. I have downloaded most of the mods into the McMMM program and most of them work splendidly - except the ones with "bat" files. I know that you have to activate one particular bat file for those textures to become available, but when I click open on a particular bat file in the McMMM program I get taken to DOS with a 'bad command or file name' message! Could anyone please provide a solution if possible???? :confused: Thanks alot for putting your effort in anwering my query!


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I may be wrong, but I'm fairly certain that McMMM doesn't handle .bat files. The .bat file is just a DOS instruction that is most likely just renaming files and then placing them in the mods directory. You can open the .bat file in notepad or another text editor to see exactly what it's doing. If the mod in question has 3 sets of bmps, perhaps named slightly differently, the way to use McMMM with them would be to extract the mod manually, and then make sub-folders and then place each alternately named bmp in those sub-folders. Then rename those bmps so that they are named the same as the original bmps that came with the game. Then rezip the whole thing up. McMMM will then see the sub-directories and give you the option of which version of the mod to install.

Example: say once unzipped, "mod" looks like this:








Make 2 extra sub-directories, called whatever, say versiona and versionb. Then, copy all the "a" named bmps to the versiona sub-dir and all the "b" to the versionb sub-dir. Then within each sub-dir, remove the "a" and "b" respectively from each file. McMMM will then be able to handle the mod properly.

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