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Where are some units?


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Sorry, folks, I got another question.

I see in the encyclopedia, thast there are some Units such as Matilda Tanks, Bren gun carriers, Su-76, Elefant...etc

Strange enough, I have seen either of these units in the gameplay.... Even if I see them, they are only controllable from the enemy's AI.

For example, the Matilda Tank, I would truly want to play,but simply cannot, the only time I see it is a mission in the French Campaign where they are the allies.

The Elefant I saw was in the Russian campaign, where I had to try and halt them (Dead hard as well), now that's some firepower I could have used in many campaigns! But I never saw them in the German Campaign.

Bren gun carriers I admit, I would have no use, but all the same, I would like to very much see them in action, even if they are cannon fodder.

Could anyone tell me please? I really have a lot of high hopes for this game!

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Update to, but some units may be not given under player control in any missions. You can make missions in generator or editor and give them to the player, of course. Or add them to exisiting missions.

You should also install JSH mod 1.3.5, which not only adds many more units, but uses them in original campaigns as well (but this mod requires version, so patch your game first).

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