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Sweet that's a good result. Can you use Ansitropic filtering and Anti aliasing okay? Also, how does it feel? Is there any slowdown in missions etc especially in urban areas? If you can answer me those I may consider an upgrade. This Nvidia is fine but there is a lot of lag in different missions and you've got my wondering if it is a problem with Nvidia drivers too.

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Anisotropic filtering and anit-aliasing work without problems on the missions I've played. I've set all the settings to maximum quality and its all pretty smooth. In fact, as you might expect, the whole game works pretty well. I recommend running Vista with the Classic desktop and not Aero - it makes a massive difference to the performance of games in general.

Combat Mission, from what I've seen of it, does appear quite resource hungry for a game with so few bells and whistles, but then it does do a lot of calculations in the background. All the same, I've had no problems with lag with all the settings maxed out.

Hope that helps.

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All the same, I've had no problems with lag with all the settings maxed out.

So game settings maxed, and AA & AF set to high presumably and it's smooth in urban areas? That's impressive for a 512mb 4850! My setup stutters around built-up areas generally, and if there is smoke. Also craters and deformable terrain seems to effect the frame-rate unless you zoom out some distance. Bearing in mind I have a i5 with 4 cores at 3.4ghz (that's a decent overclock) you would expect it to be able to handle this.

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I haven't noticed any problems so far. Mind you, my graphics card is overclocked as well as the processor so that might have something to do with it. And I am running a 64-bit operating system, even though the game is 32-bit. I might be imagining it, but Vista 64-bit does seem a little smoother than WinXP when I was running a dual-boot setup.

Having said that I only have a small number of maps to choose from. Perhaps the larger maps would cause more problems.

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I haven't noticed any problems so far. Mind you, my graphics card is overclocked as well as the processor so that might have something to do with it. And I am running a 64-bit operating system, even though the game is 32-bit. I might be imagining it, but Vista 64-bit does seem a little smoother than WinXP when I was running a dual-boot setup.

Having said that I only have a small number of maps to choose from. Perhaps the larger maps would cause more problems.

Well I'm running the 32 bit Win 7 evaluation copy and it's smoother than Vista any day of the week and my graphics card is overclocked as well. My other games (not that I have many) run very well indeed as you would expect, it is just this game that really seems to struggle. I'm talking about some of the larger battles that form the British campaign - there is very apparent stutter and I can't put it down to anything in particular. Well, maybe it's my AA & AF settings, but they are not high! I know what you mean about x64 feeling smoother though - I have the 64 bit Vista on my laptop, and that flies. It is very responsive and even plays SF very well! So I don't know where to go from here really. I think I will wait and see how Win 7 64bit pans out before splashing the cash on a new card.

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