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unable to win as Germans

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The first scenario at beginner mode.

I take France/denway/norway no problems. Sometimes I take Greece, sometimes I mess around in Africa.

No matter what I do I can't defeat Russa. Usually I take Lennigrad and the rest but am stopped at Stalingrad and Moscow. Or I can barely take Moscow and then the capital moves to Stalingrad and I am done.

The Russian seem to have endless troops and near the end I have to worry about garrisoning France against D-Day and then my troops stop doing damage and start getting slaughtered. Most likely due to Russa improving tech.

My subs in the atlantic just get picked off by destroyer fleets.

If I divert German resources to Africa they can hold the British off but eventually get overwelmed.

What am I doing wrong!

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As far as the Russians go,usually you can lure them into a trap and wipe them all out.Knowing how to set these traps takes time.My suggestion to you is just keep playing and believe once you figure it out(you will)the A.I.(especially on beginner)will be easy to defeat.

I will give you one piece of advice and thats concentrate your forces at the point of attack.Never try to be strong everwhere because you cant.

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I read an AAR from a previous thread and am attempting that strategy.

This consists of taking poland,france,spain for Gibraltar then sweeping Africa from left to right. The italians hold off the brits until the germans arrive. This gives a good resource base for Russa.

I made some huge mistakes at the beginning which cost me

Didnt manage to capture Denmark and that tied down my navy, and also meant I never captured Norway.

Forgot to garrison Tirana so the greeks grabbed it (doh!).

Got bogged down a bit in France which threw my whole time table off.

The Italian navy got tore up more then usual which hurt in africa

Did not commit enough troops to Russa resulting in a stale mate and only taking one city before winter hit. Need one more tank and HQ at least, maybe more corps. Need to find the balance between what to commit to spain/africa and what to prepare for Russa.

Some other thoughts.

The anti tank guns seem to suck. A rank 1 AT versus a tank did a few points of dmg but took a ton.

Germany needs a lot of corps to hold down all this territory.

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Those A.T.guns when used properly and teched out are a great way to knock down tank units.

Against a Human player,attacking Spain can be a huge mistake if you dont plan your overall strategy properly.America gets ALOT more ships plus it bumps up their war readiness(which gives them more mpps).The one real good thing about taking Spain is that once Gibralter falls then The Allies supply in Africa has the same chance of being effected as the Axis.

Yes Germany needs quite a few troops for garrison duty.

yes never go into Russia weak.All that does is get their war industry going and then you have problems

If you want(or when or if you are ever up to it)I will play you and help you along(im from British Columbia).

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When you try and move through the Caucasus,supply is a REAL pain(even when you take Iran).With motor level one its fairly easy to stop the Germans(unless they commit huge amounts to that attack).

If you really want to liven it up,after taking Egypt attack and take Turkey.This will GREATLY improve your overall supply,but be sure to bomb the Eastern most Turkish city so the Russians cant start operating units into Turkey.

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haven't played the strategic game in awhile(i'm stuck on trying to give the AI germans a chance to win in the russia 41-45 scenario lol), but when i played germany against the computer allies, i found the secret to success was taking out England after France...

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