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Sbeitla as U.S. - unwinnable on veteran? (possible spoilers)


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Don't get me wrong -- I'm ENJOYING the extreme difficulty of this battle with settings on "veteran." But after trying a number of options for the US deployment, I'm coming to the conclusion that the town itself is indefensible (especially until the game is patched to allow us to move and place the anti tank obstacles as intended). The trench lines are quickly and easily outflanked. And hunkering down with all US forces inside the town doesn't work, either. So, two other options seem to be worth exploring...

1. Make the US force a mobile force with all AFVs and infantry mounted in halftracks, and start with the 105s hitched to the halftracks. Deploy behind the US bivouac, as far away from the town as possible. When the scenario starts, RUN south as fast as possible to reach the road by the river, where the cliffs will screen and protect from the German spearheads approaching the town. Get some separation and safety, then look for a spot (but where?) to regroup and organize a counterattack once the reinforcements arrive.

2. Organize the mobile force, as in #1, but instead of running, send everything to attack the northern German spearhead that threatens the radio post (taking care to protect the vulnerable halftracks and 105s). It may not be possible to defeat this German force, but...

a.) This concentrates all the US forces in one sector, so they can support each other, and,

b.) The hilltop post is compact, has cover, fewer avenues of approach, and it may be the only real defensible position on the map (if the US can reach and occupy it before Rommel does).

Your thoughts, generals?

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?!? Why you think that? I set my defence with three (heh) tanks on left flank of the town, put one FO (sniper) on right ridge to observe advanced tank and infantry column, (scoring 12 kills) and two AA guns inside the town. One of my bazooka team in front of trenches, slightly right behind the hill to ambush first tank attack on town, they even destroy one PzIII and succeed to retreat to town... Two howitzer into the "woods" right side of town to render enemies near the river, two other inside the city - 50 % casualities... Front trenches got some serious pounding but some soldiers manage to put some heavy defence fire on advancing infantry and stop two waves... (one infantryman score 7 kills !!!). And voila - reinforcement came just in time to eliminate two tanks that my first echelone failed to stop... Veteran level...

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