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Which campaign is easier do you think....

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I played through a quick succession of Marine campaigns last night. I took route tiger so that might be part of it but I am having a cake walk so far. I am playing on elite and using arty as needed but trying to conserve when possible. I am also doing turn based as oppossed to Real Time for the Thunder Campaign.

So my question is have people noticed the marine campaign being easier. Or is this a factor that I have already played one campaign and my boys are more experienced?

Any thoughts on which one is easier and why and while you are at it which one did you like the best and why?

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It is more likely the case that YOU are more experienced.

I've only played the Marine campaign so I can't comment on the play experience between them.

Before I played the Marine campaign, I played every single scenario that came with the core game and the marine module so that gave me so face time to really learn the system and experiment.

I found the Marine campaign relatively easy, even though I did the entire campaign in RT. I took the non-Pooh route and finished the campaign in fine form. I then reverted back to Decisions, Decisions and took the Pooh route.

I found Pooh actually easy and I was expecting a much tougher fight and after reading much on other threads about it, I was wondering if it was the same scenario that everyone else played. I actually had a much tougher go in Afternoon Delight and Milk Run.

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