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Another Question

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My previous post got attacked my Space Lobsters, but I was wondering:

Was an explination ever given for Light, Medium and Heavy airstrikes? I remeber people asking but don't remember any reply that was given. I know it affects the weapons used but I am not sure if a Heavy strike allows for longer time on target or use JDAMs

For leaders, does their benefits or detractions affect the troops ability or emotions? Meaning is their fire going to be more devistating with a +2 leader or does their leadership modifiers affect their ability to rally or being kept from being broken?

Also, any hope of seeing MLRS as support weapons? I know they really won't add anything that artillery dosen't but I think that they would be an interesting system to see.

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From the Marines manual:

These are the Parameters for all Air Missions:

Target - sets the size and shape of the area to hit:

Point - focuses on a single Action Spot or unit

Area - one click for center and another click for perimeter

Mission - responsible for establishing the scope of the attack:

Light - lighter Munitions

Medium - mix of lighter and medium Munitions

Heavy - medium Munitions with a smattering of lighter

Type - sets the munition mix based on the target type:

General - favors unguided HE munitions

Armor - weights towards ATGMs

Personnel - favors HE munitions

Delay - establishes when to start the support, prep time inclu-

sive. The options are:

None - no extra delay

5 Min - sets for 5 minutes min

10 Min - sets for 10 minutes min

15 Min - sets for 15 minutes min

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As far as leadership, etc. affecting the air/arty mission:

Selecting a Spotter

The player’s first task is to identify which unit to give responsibil-

ity of both creating a Support Request and managing the

resulting Support Mission. Since not all units are equal in this

regard, here are some things to keep in mind when selecting a


Line of Sight (LOS) - quality LOS to the target area always

makes for more accurate and effective results

Unit Type - specialized observer teams and HQs are better than

the average combat unit

C2 Links - ideally the Spotter should show green connections to

all superior units

Stress Level - suppressed or shaky units don’t make the best


As a general rule, any US ground unit can theoretically request

both types of Support, while only a few specialized Forward

Observer units can call in Artillery for the Syrian side. The dif-

ferences between the two sides are realistic and based on

traditional training doctrine as well as the availability of C2


Depending on how urgently Support is needed, the Responsive-

ness rating (see below) may or may not be critically important.

Responsiveness reflects the difficulty a specific Spotter has in

getting in touch with a specific Asset and securing permission

to use it. For example, a JTAC (Joint Tactical Air Controller) is

typically headed by an officer with “time in the cockpit” and

can really speak the lingo with on station aircraft. On top of

that, this is the unit that is organizationally tasked with calling

in aircraft, therefore it doesn’t have to go through layers of

command to access them. Another variable is the JTAC’s equip-

ment which, in ideal circumstances, is the best available for

such work. Compare this to a “run of the mill” Rifle Squad

Leader trying to reach an aircraft via 3 or 4 “hops” up the

Chain of Command. It can be done, but it is obviously more

clunky than having the JTAC call in the same Request.

Remember, if the Spotter doesn’t appear to be up to the task,

another Spotter can be selected. To do this, either deselect the

current unit or click on the “X” in the upper left hand corner of

the Support Roster. There are no game penalties for checking

out how various units pair up with different Assets.

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