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Newbie Questions - looking for info


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New player - figured out some things by trial and error - well, more like trial and getting shot down - but am looking for either the real game manual - there must be one that explains some details or a link to info on how "bursts" work and when I can actually get to shoot at some one rather than dodge around the sky like a palsied new-born aviator. Also are there details on how the end of match points are given out. Any assistance appreciated.

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The question about Russian pilots has come up a few times in the past. Most of the time, the problem is that you must first create a set of Russian pilots by going to the "Manage Pilots" screen, clicking "New Leader", and then selecting "Soviet" as the nationality.

Once you have a set of Soviet pilots, you should be able to select one from the list when creating a mission.

The second most common reason for not being able to run a mission with Soviet pilots is that the Eastern Front add-on has not been properly registered.

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