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Why sound is never realistic.


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Sound travels through air at roughly 343 meters per second. Yet in the game, in almost every game, this is not modeled. Artillery goes off in the distance and you hear it as soon as you see it. A sniper shoots at you at you hear it as the round pings around you.

Once more, when you are being shot at, and your hear the snapping sound. that is not the sound of the bullets being shot from the rifle, you can hear that afterwords as a dull crack. the large snap that you hear is as the supersonic round passes over your head. Again, never modded.

This is the kind of attention to detail that counts. I always find audio detail in games so shoddy, as if the visuals are all that immersion is about. Think about the gun battle scene int he movie Heat... why is it such an awesome scene.. because of the high quality with which the ballistics were recorded. Sound is everything.

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