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New Scenario-All Across the River

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FMB, just loved the scenario!

just finished it will the objective in my hand, 2 casualtys (1KIA and 1 WIA). got One tank but more was on the way when the game ended (syrian waved white flags, I had 10mins left to bank up the rest of the armour!)

Its this kinds of scenarios I like the best! ewen thoe I would like a disabled/gun damaged stryker or something so I can replen ammo when/if it goes to low.


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Glad you liked it, Chainsaw!

The main reason I'm not putting a Stryker ammo vehicle (essentially) in there is because I don't want people using Javelins. I might put an extra Hummer in there, but then you wouldn't be able to resupply the large squads (I think). I'll test it out tonight and post an updated version if that works.


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No not really, was lacking a few AT-4s that ive fired into buildings and all my humwees was dryed up. but small arms fire was good. but if those T-Rexes had moved into town and my strykers been KO or unable to engage I would been screwed.

So an M2 disabled or something that can fill you upp with AT-4 would be nice "incase of"

But its totally upp to you, it can be a tactical challenge to save your ammo (I just did a ****up and used TARGET instead of TARGET LIGHT and wasted my precius AT-4s)


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Thats reasonable, the scenario runs fine without. I like that you warn about the enemy armour up north, makes your head snapp, I didnt use the ATGM werry much in bulding clearing as I was conserned about the possibility of an armour counter attack.

Realistic scenario in other words 5/5 points.


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Cracking wee scenario....first time I've seen the Stryker/TOW variants in a CMSF scenario, nice bits of kit.


If anything, I would say the Stryker TOWs perhaps unbalanced things a tad too much as I was able to stop the enemy armoured counterattack with ease and have plenty TOWs to forcibly renovate enemy-held buildings! I did initially conserve them for fear of not having enough to handle the armour, but the M2's on the Humvees and the infantry weapons didn't seem to have enough punch to adequately suppress enemies in buildings. Once I started letting rip with TOWs enemy fire dried up remarkably quickly!

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Glad you liked it, Guinessman!


The thing with the Stryker TOWs is that you were tempted to use them on the buildings earlier. If you had given into that, and especially if you had placed them differently, you would have been in a world of hurt! As I said, I made this scenario for a friend of mine (who isn't a CM:SF veteran) and he lost a TOW Stryker and a Hummer before he killed all the tanks precisely because he had given into the temptation to use them on the buildings!

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