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Very minor bug?

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I don't know how many players have tried "bailing out" from a perfectly good vehicle, but I noticed something strange.

Please note when I say BAIL OUT I'm referring to having the vehicle CREW leave the vehicle. Not DISMOUNTING a squad.

Anyway, when you order the crew to re-enter the vehicle (on a Stryker at least) the driver goes into the hatch and then stands there for about 15-20 seconds before he hatches up. If you issue a move order he will almost immediately hatch up and the vehicle will proceed but otherwise he is in a standing pose for quite some time...completely exposed to enemy fire. Is this on purpose for some reason?

Just curious about this strange behavior....

[ September 03, 2007, 01:39 PM: Message edited by: SlapHappy ]

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Instead of starting another thread, I will report another observation using a test map.

When using "Blast Move" soldiers will detonate a wall section and move through it as ordered. However, when blasting through a BUILDING WALL SECTION, troops blow a wall out as ordered and then proceed to run around to the doors and enter through them. I thought the point was to use an alternative entry thus the wall breach.....

Sorry if this has already been reported.....

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Originally posted by SlapHappy:

Instead of starting another thread, I will report another observation using a test map.

When using "Blast Move" soldiers will detonate a wall section and move through it as ordered. However, when blasting through a BUILDING WALL SECTION, troops blow a wall out as ordered and then proceed to run around to the doors and enter through them. I thought the point was to use an alternative entry thus the wall breach.....

Sorry if this has already been reported.....

I just saw this too. Seems Blast still needs some work for 1.04.
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