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Changed colours with new Video Card?

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I believe I've read something about this a long time ago, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, I got a new computer today, with a new graphics card, NVIDIA FX5200. The game runs smoothly, but in the briefing screen, what used to be white background is now turquoise, and same applies to all text in the game window. (time, turn, etc.) The names of towns and such in CMBO anyway, are green, and the dialogue boxes are also all screwed up, colorwise.

The problem occurs with both CMBO and CMBB.

Does anybody know why? I use all the latest drivers as well as DirectX 9a.

[ July 04, 2003, 03:44 AM: Message edited by: Sven ]

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Now the weirdest thing happened. With CMBB it worked once, but then it reverted back to not working, when I tried again. The thing is now, that this time, when it worked, my monitor "clicked" twice. It clicks like that when it changes the number of colours and frame rate, but only ONCE. Maybe it has something to do with the graphics driver CM uses. Switching back and worth, both with driver, and the hardware setting didn't help though... :(

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Give this a try...........(from an earlier post).

The 44.03's seemed to have worked for other people, including those who are running the 5000 series of GeForces. I'd highly suggest uninstalling all of your GeForce Detonator drivers - going to a 'VGA Save' driver and (after the requisite reboots) installing 44.03 or later.

The 'compatibility mode' is what is causing the problem with the CD check. For some reason this mode seems to report back different info from the CDROM drive than standard Win2K/XP mode, which is crucial to BTS/BFC's piracy check. I'm not sure why this mode helps your video (CM doesn't really need it - it only seems to be an issue with certain video drivers).

You may want to experiment with certain levels of FSAA (4XS ?) and see if they help. Generally FSAA is usually the most problematic feature of the NVidia drivers, but in your case it might fix your display problem (you will need to Alt-Tab to see white text properly or other 2D refresh issues).

Oh... and as the above poster noted, that GeForce isn't a very good performer... even compared to earlier GeForces.

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