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Skin request - need skins for campaign

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Need a few bally skins to finish off me old Normandy campaign. I really need the following skins to finish it off. Does anyone feel like contributing? Of course anything used will be fully attributed to the contributor. You can see more HERE

This is what I need for July 1944

British 11th Armoured division


Sherman I

Sherman Ic


M3 White haltrack

British 43rd Infantry (Wessex) Division

M10 Wolverene

Universal Carrier

M3 White haltrack

I SS Panzer Corps

1st SS Panzer Div LSAH

Mk IVH Tank

MK VG Panther

Panzergrenadier camoflaged infantry skin.

12th SS Panzer Div Hitlerjugend

Mk IVH Tank

MK VG Panther

Panzergrenadier camoflaged infantry skin.

101st SS Schwere Panzer Abletung

Mk VIE Tiger

II SS Panzer Corps

9th SS Panzer Div Hohenstaufen

Mk IVH Tank

MK VG Panther

Panzergrenadier camoflaged infantry skin.

10th SS Panzer Div Frundsberg

Mk IVH Tank

MK VG Panther

Panzergrenadier camofled infantry skin.

102nd SS Schwere Panzer Abletung

Mk VIE Tiger

So far I have 11 missions over 7 maps 3 of which are completely new. With the above skins I'll be one step closer to release! :D

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That's a lot of stuff you're asking for... ;)

Had I not a lot of CM mods still on my hands, I'd try it on my own. Anyone out there that would help me? Together it could be done, for one man alone it'll be nearly impossible, I'm afraid.

But you could supply the references to me so I can take a look and do some thinking/planning. Would that be a deal?

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Do you mean 1024 textures with emblems for the vehicles?

If so, halftrack and universal carrier use only one texture for both fenders, more or less impossible to paint correct markings on them.

The other vehicles would be possible but lots of large files, about 40 Mb or more.

I also had some camo uniforms for ss-infantry but deleted them because the ugly texture stretching, now i use fieldgrey but with steelhelmet instead of the cap.

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@rofl: Yes, have seen that in the other thread. A problem we won't be able to work around, I'm afraid - no matter what pattern we use.

Regarding the insignia on vehicles: if there's no other way we can still put it on the back of the turret (I have seen a photograph of a "Frunsdberg" Panther with the full shield painted on the turret hatch) or the hull.

There are always limitations - CM mirrored the textures which was a good solution for keeping texture amoutns small but did have shortcomigns when trying to depict historical camouflage patterns...

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But slighty unrealistic dont you think smile.gif

1C are (unfortuantly) very adament that the gaame should be as historically accurate as possible" so that isnt't very as you dont see tanks over turned by shells that often!!!!

I would like it though but i bet the game engine cant even handle that kind of physics simulation (can it do any?)

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Well, all the textures are in one file and you can draw templates from the stock textures with some work - you only have to figure out how to work with alpha channels (which I still need to, but I'll manage).

Would be awesome if we could work on this together and everyone of us does a different part of the project. So yeah, I'm talking about forming some kind of team, though on a fun basis. ;)

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First test for placemnent and colors, the background from the dragon should be darkblue or black?

That are the only possible positions on the bren,

I must overpaint the lower body frontbars but i think its ok.

grab2008417207350fl0.th.jpg grab200841720754296ma3.th.jpg

That's a light weathered version for my personal use, you can also have the markings new on default skin if you want.

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