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I think that this simulation is brilliant but what is realy annoying me is the constant crashes some times I have to restart the computer about six times in may be one hour some missions are worst than others some times I get fatal out of memory espicaly in the falise pocket map this map is almost unplayable due to this particular crash I have no problem with any of my other games sometimes I feel like just quitting and deleting the game .

I have an ati xfire setup with the latest drivers my cpu an intel dual core 2400 2gig of ram abit system board and windows xp service pack2.

Any ideas will be gladly received.

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The Troublshooting Guide located here lists a variety of settings to adjust which have been proven to show increased stability.


Turning off Music, EAX and lowering water quality to LOW all seem to make a big difference!

Also, if you haven't already, download the Battle for Moscow Add-on and Patch which is available here:



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When i try to start the game up ..it just say fail 1813-2 ..i use Vista and have try on Xp..but i can get it to work?

i have try rename the file called tow2.dll to elicen40.dll stil noting

i have a intel dual core 2,4 4gb ram - system Vista - Geforce 8800gts..

[ August 22, 2007, 07:17 AM: Message edited by: 5th SS Wiking ]

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Make sure and launch the game "as Administrator" and see if that makes a difference. Also, were you ever prompted to license the game? If not, be sure and read through the full Troubleshooting Guide linked in the post above for a way to fix that.


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