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Missing Save Games after patch with Vista 64

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Hi gang,

Since I've installed the patch, TOW can't find any of my campaign progress or saved games.

Initially TOW was storing all my user data in a folder under the Windows Users/Local Settings/Application Data directory (sorry can't remember the exact path since I'm at the office now).

However, now it seems to be using the users folder within the Theatre of War directory in ProgramFiles(x86).

I've tried copying the contents of the original folder into the newer one, and it updates the player name, but it's still not picking up any of the savegames.

Has anyone run into this? Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


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yes replay them you cant use those saved with the new patch it doesn't up date them. You can however copy the campaign missions and place them in the single player missions. There is a thread on this but forgot where

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