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I love MadMatt & Wolfseven.

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Thanks so much you two for helping me getting the game to play. I was so bummed getting this game and not being able to play it like a lot of others I'm sure but it's playing now thanks to you two. Man! I am as excited as one can get. Man!!! I solved my inverted problem by shutting off the pivot feature of my monitor not that I ever pivoted it anyway so no lost at all plus installed the new Nvidia drivers and now the game plays fine. Well at least until the big patch comes out but no big deal I can wait like everybody else. Funny though, this card is only about 2 months old so you would have thought that they would have installed the most up todate drivers available but guess not. I'll have to mention that to them next time I go in - the creeps. Hehe. Anyway thanks so much for allowing me some personal attention in resolving my problem. Love you guys. I don't really love you like you know my wife or anything but you know. Like a guy kind of love. Did I mention I'm married. Yeah, well OK then. Thanks so much again. What a great day.

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