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Demo not starting (updated.. info for devs)

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I downloaded and installed the demo witout any problem, but it doesn't start. I tried everything like disabling extensions limits, or renaming the title.avi file or changing resolution. Nothing worked.

My systems specs are :

Intel Core2 Duo E6600

2gb ram

2 x geforce 8800Gtx sli

Areca 1220 raid 6 controller

Dell 3007wfp-hc monitor.

WinXP sp2

[ April 28, 2007, 04:27 AM: Message edited by: DarthZorG ]

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Hello Madmatt, thank for your reply. Well when i start the demo the busy mouse cursor show for just a second and if i set the resolution to say like 1024x768 the screen change resolution... and that's all...

I've been watching the troubleshooting guide and tried everything of it, except disabling sli, wich by default is disabled for games which doesn't have a sli profile (like tow).

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Hello, so good news first, i tried running ht game from Vindows vista and it works, on vista i still have Nvidia 101.70 drivers (released only on windows update), while on XP i have the new 158.19 drivers.

This said i tried to profile the app using depends (http://www.dependencywalker.com/) and here are the result.


Starting profile on 28/04/2007 at 13.20.41

Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Professional (32-bit), version 5.01.2600 Service Pack 2

Program Executable: g:\theatre of war demo\TOW.EXE

Program Arguments:

Starting Directory: G:\Theatre of War Demo\

Search Path: H:\WINDOWS\system32;H:\WINDOWS;H:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;H:\Programmi\QuickTime\QTSystem\;H:\Programmi\File comuni\Adobe\AGL

Options Selected:

Simulate ShellExecute by inserting any App Paths directories into the PATH environment variable.

Log DllMain calls for process attach and process detach messages.

Hook the process to gather more detailed dependency information.

Log LoadLibrary function calls.

Log GetProcAddress function calls.

Log debug output messages.

Automatically open and profile child processes.



SIO moderated: please, next time if you want to post a log which is VERY long (10+ screens) use email. You can email me, or DMG.


Is seems related to the OpenGL dll crashing probably on wglGetPixelFormat. I tried renaming the cgGL.dll and it didn't work, the core.dll fail to load.

Well hope this helps

[ April 28, 2007, 05:33 AM: Message edited by: SIO ]

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Can you try to rollback your XP video driver to an older version? Judging by your log there might be a problem with the latest drivers for 8800.

[ April 28, 2007, 05:22 AM: Message edited by: dmg ]

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Hello dmg,

The demo is working fine on windows vista, i'm provinding the info here to help the developer finding a solution as it might interest other user aswell.

I've been trying to start Doom3 (which uses OpenGL aswell) and it also fails to load, so it seems it's really a problem related to the latest windows driver. i'll try to roll back and i'll let you know.

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Hello again, after rolling back to 97.92 drivers.. the game just runs fine on my 8800.

btw i'm sorry for causing any trouble with that log, i tought it could be useful and it didn't look that long compared to some dxdiag.txt found in this forum, but maybe it's just my monitor tongue.gif Anyway next time i will mail you directly.

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