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Im getting alot of CTD's

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im getting Crash to Desktop quite abit. Half the time my saved games wont load. Halfway inbetween loading a savegame it will CTD no error or anything.

It also crashes to desktop in the encyclopedia sometimes or if I leave the game paused for a few minutes it will lock up and nothing will get me out of the game except the reset button on the computer.

I have no other issues running other games for hours at a time. This is the only game I have that crashes.

System Specs:

Windows Xp SP2

2.4 GHZ Core 2 Duo


Asus P5B Deluxe

2 GIG Crucial Ballistix

Non overclocked computer

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Two more suggestions:

- try changing the windows page file size. In XP, the page file settings are there:

Start – Settings – Control Panel – System – Advanced tab – Performance Settings group – one more Advanced tab – Virtual memory. There, click “Custom size” and set both the “Initial size” and the “Maximum size” to at least 2000 MB, 3000 is MUCH better.

- unload extra programs that are running in the background - download managers, converters, etc.


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