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What i'd like to see

Ankh Morpork

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What I'd like to see in the multiplayer part would be the following:

A chance for the defender to set up his defences before the game starts.

Insted of fixed units, points to buy what you want as in the CM games.

Support weapons like offmap artillery/Airstrike. Just like in singleplayer.

Sizable forces (using the mentioned points). I want to be able to have bigger battles against my brother other than have some 8-9 units under my control :(

Victory points, random (or set) names on the various areas on the map.

Random maps or atleast LOADS of premade maps to randomize.

Cooperative campaign.

Thats what I can think of right now. Tbh this game is really great, but to make it even better it needs (according to me anyway) the same MP options as the Combat Mission series to really last. Implant it and I might even concider abandon CM1-3 for it!

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