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Interesting thing happened


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During my "sneak up on the tank" experiments, I heavily damaged a Panther by ringing it with AT 'naders in the setup and sent the crew into a panic. They started reversing out of there with one of my guys in hot pursuit, literally backing the tank off the map. I had a target command on the Panther as it continued to move backwards. Eventually it reached the edge of the map and continued to retreat from the playable to the non-playable areas. My guy just kept chasing him. I couldn't issue a move command anywhere in that area, but he continued to chase the tank as long as it was targeted. Eventually the tank seemed to halt at the edge of the non-playable map and my guy tossed his 2 grenades (the tank survived). As a test I clicked on the playable area of the map and the guy returned back into the main map area.

So apparently, you can pursue an enemy from the map using a target command? It would appear so based on what I witnessed.

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Yep. Give a unit an order to attack someone and in almost all cases they'll continue harassing them until one or other is dead. It's good that they do this, but it could do with a little toning down as this includes tanks with disabled guns charging into enemy tanks with machine guns if you accidentally hit the attack command.

The 'dead' area of the map is a little annoying though as I've it once or twice where I couldn't end a mission because a disabled tank was sitting there, and with no move commands available you can't flank it or anything.

Have fun


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from my experience non-playable parts of the map are exactly the same as the main playarea.

The only difference is that you can't directly send your men in there, but you still can do so like you described or when a unit panicks and runs in there.

I don't think there's a resource-based reason for the map limitation, since it acts as normal space but with clicking limitations.

So It's safe to assume you can just expand the territory rect in your campaigns and finally have that long-range fun you wanted.

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