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Multiplayer maps and units

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Dear developers,

I have been trying all the 8 maps available in multiplayer. Please consider the following as constructive feedback and Beta/QA test on the released version of the game:

1) The maps are all 2Km x 2Km. Whether it is a 2-player or 8-player map. Given the range of the units in this game (Tanks can easily shoot more than 1Km away), these maps are really tiny. Right from the start, the units can see each other and shoot specially given the LOS/LOF issues in the game and the fact that there is NO place to hide or cover the units. A 4Km x 4Km and 8Km x 8Km is a MUST for all map types.

2) The units are not enough. For example, I want to play a 2-player game with my buddy (my foe really!!) and we want to have a decent size army say 10 or 12 Tanks. We can't currently. The maximum allowed per player on any map is about 6 ro 8 Tanks depending on the country you play.

3) The map to player ratio is not calculated. This means, if a 8-player map such as "face to face" is selected, then each player gets about 3 Tanks. So with all 8 players, ther would be 8x3=24 tanks on the map. However, if 2 players select the same 8-player "face to face" map, they are also given only 3 Tanks each for a total of 6 Tanks. Now, if the game's engine can support 24 Tanks on this map, why wouldn't the 2 players get 12 Tanks each for the total of 24 Tanks??????????????

4) Please allow players to have defensive units such as ATGs. If not, please place ATGs on various places on the map to give incentives to players to capture strategic villages that have these ATGs placed in them. I know one map does this so why couldn't this be configured by players. Say we can specify 4 ATGs to be placed randomly in villages available in the map.

5) More hiding places, deeper valleys and taller hills to provide decent ambush spots and to allow movement of armor without clear detection.

6) MORE MAPS! Please provide the ability to have multiple small, medium and large (at least 8Km x 8Km) maps so everyone can have their pick.

There is more but I don't want to make it mission impossible for developers so I stop at these for now!! I believe these will help the longevity of this game and cater to a wider set of players. Thanks for listening!

Over and out.

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... adding one more request

6) Please make the tall grass a factor in LOS. I have done a lot of testing and it appears that the grass has no effect in LOS even at longer distance.

This completely inconsistent with the real world laws of optics. There is a reason soldiers wear camoflauge uniforms and these camoflauge uniforms are different in a jungle and a desert terrain. It actually helps units concealing themselves. It is a function of distance and terrain. Please go outside in a field of green or yellow grass about 10 inches (25 centimeters) high and ask your friend to lay low (not even proned) about 100 meters away and see if you can spot him! Now add the camoflauge uniform and you'll see how your eyes can miss that person even when you know he is there!

So, please kindly add the distance and tall grass factors in scouting calculations for both infantry and armored vehicles. It adds more sense of reality to the game. The game as is too unrealistic in its LOS calculations given a tank can shoot a prone infantry 1000 meters away lying in a field of tall grass!! I mean come on! Even GPS-equipped cruise missles are not that accurate and we are talking about a WW2 tank!!

Great game by the way. It just needs a few touch-ups!

Over and out.

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