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Great demo but I need help with a question

Xerxes the Great

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Great concepts and details. However, in the demo version my graphics (video set to 1680x1050) is not as good as some of the screenshots folks have posted. I have a very high-end PC with a very high-end ATI 1950XT graphics card. This system runs games like Total War and CoH flawlessly and beautifully!

Is the demo version graphics hardcoded at a lower resolution than the GOLD game? If not, how come some of the screenshots are way better than what I get on my PC? Am I missing something?

Also, any trick to add animation to dead hardware such as dead tanks in the field? I mean can we add smoke or fire or defined deformation that is noticable from from distance? As is, I have a hard time distinguishing the dead versus alive tanks (yes the icon will disappear on top of dead tanks but still a bit annoying)

I also have some gameplay concerns but most have been discussed on the forum already!!

Looking forward to multiplay and hunting a few tigers!

Over and Out.

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The obvious first: did you run towsetup and adjusted the settings?

It is not unrealistic to not be able to tell the difference immediately between a "dead" and "live" tank. TOW is showing deformations already, but realistically, i.e. based on the damage actually done to the tank. This means that sometimes all you'll see is a small hole in the hull, but which was enough to take out the crew. That's very much a feature and intentional.


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