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Any UK/Europe players got the game in the mail yet?


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I ordered the game yesterday from Battlefront's website, I opted for mail delivery as the DL version would take several weeks to download over a 56k connection (should be getting broadband soon, but I'd still rather have a boxed version on disc).

Is there anyone else here from the UK or mainland Europe who has purchased the DVD version of TOW? If so, have you received your copies yet? For that matter, have any US/Canada buyers got their copies in the mail yet?

I don't mind waiting, just want to get a rough idea of when it should arrive - the confirmation e-mail says 7-10 days).

Apologies if this subject has already been covered in previous posts, I did a search but did not find any.

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The DVDs have not yet been mailed. The fulfilment house is still preparing the goods for shipment. Due to the quantitiy, it takes time. For European players there will be an additional delay as the goods are transferred to the Irish warehouse first (to be shipped from within EU, thus avoiding taxes/VAT).

We will make an announcement as soon as the goods start shipping. Shouldn't take too long anymore.


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Thanks very much for the information - much appreciated. Also glad to hear I won't have to pay tax on the game when it eventually arrives! (sometimes the case when buying from the US)

[ April 30, 2007, 07:22 AM: Message edited by: Drawde79 ]

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