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Shot Aiming....


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Does this feature really work? I have found that the randomness of which firing/hitting of the target, it seems that it doesnt matter if you aim or use the default. Also, it seems that the armor penetration values are bit off... There has been times when it was very hard just to knock out a T-70, let alone a T-34. And this is with a Tiger. The distance wasnt that far, I dont know. Hate to ramble, but it seems this game is similar to rest, just no health bar...lol. Maybe to make it more exciting I guess. Anyone?


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It realy makes a big diference were you hit, belive me it is much more efective to hit a panzer 38 with a 37mm AT from the side, than from the front. In the 3rd mission of the polish campaign i had to flank those blody panzer 38 because my guns never penetrated the 50mm frontal armor, from the side, piece of cake.

Also if you shot the tracks you can imobilize any tank, even the big IS2 and Tiger, then you got time to flank it, and sometimes a tank with a disabled track slides sideways before stoping, an easy shot for a broad side.

Some tanks have a weaker armor on the turret or the hull.

For my experience, it makes a lot of diference were you are hitting, the distance you are firing, the ammo you are using, and remember, some times the armor deflects the shot, it happens in real life too.

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Yes, I understand all this, but does the aiming really work? If it goes back to what Cincinatvs said. I guess I need to increase the scout and gunnery values, of which I have. I guess I will have to wait and see on this next mission. Thanks all for the replies so far.


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About the hit probability of a aimed shot.

Someone said that a aimed shot to a particular point makes the shot harder, so it is more likely to miss.

The default shot is aimed at the middle of the target, a aimed shot to the tracks for example is more dificult to hit, it misses more, but with a good gunner, sometimes it is worth the try.

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Run the mission editor and modif the scout value of your crew in the skill parameters (Default value is -1).

Aiming at a particular part of a tank is only usefull if you got a clear LOS on it. Oftenly I order to aim the turret because the main body is not in a clear LOS and therefore takes more time to be hit.

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