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I love it but...


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I love this game but the way the campaign work don't satisfy me at all. I find it very hard to get immerse in campaign.I don't feel like I'm part of something. The battle are so far apart it doesn't look like a campaign at all and I can't feel involve with my men on the ground. It would have been much more rewarding and I would have feel a lot more implicated if it was a dynamic campaign or if missions were on a randomly generated map and not so far apart in time. I also think we miss a skirmish mode and that the way multiplayer is handled is too unpractical.

Other wise every thing is splendid. I love to zoom all the way in to see what my troop are seeing and everything...

( Sorry for my English)

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I agree. The included campaigns are more of what I would call thematic samplings rather than true campaigns. Its okay for a start, but we really do need someting beefier. The Geman campaign should be huge, consider they were in it for the entire war.

Luckly the game is open-ended and users are free to develop their own battles and campaigns. This worked very well for Il-2 and I expect TOW will follow that model. It will take some time, but hopefully, we will eventually have user-made campaigns of 100+ missions.

We had a few of those for Il-2, and a couple of mission delvopers eventually even went commercial with their creations. It would also help if the editor would allow us to make and splice in episodic videos (again Il-2 allows for this). Finally I wonder if it is possible to make campaigns that branch off in different directions depending upon whether the player wins or looses key battles?

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I have to agree also that the campaign is not an campaign. went from poland to france then to moskou and then the time frames get bigger. before i knew it i was in 1943 and then 1944 france again then the time frame is smaller.

But i tried to make just one battle. Jeez what do you all have to do to make ONE and not a 100+

Dont think you tried it because that kind of campaigns will take years to make (i still love to play it)

But still iam waiting for our script guys to make very nice battles.

The only prob is that we can only use the maps which are available.

And i my opinion you cannot script different directions of the war depending on a loss , draw of victory.(i hope i am wrong)

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did you make an battle???

tried to make one didnt know that i even had to put ammo in my tank so it will shoot :mad:

but i think i have a big curve to go because its way more difficult to make a battle then cmxx

That saying ill wait for after the summer to make my first one.

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Yes I have experimented with the mission editor as well, and yes it is pretty overwhelming. I am just going by my obsevation of what happened in Il-2. For that game, there was/is a large community of mission designers, some who seem to enjoy making mission even more than playing the game. I am hoping that within 6 months or so that we will have such a healthy community here as well.

Whether we see cmapaigns with 100+ missions, 50+, or even just 25 or so. It will certianly be a welcome occurance.

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