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The big Wow scream when playing the game

War RaVeN

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Playing the German invading Polen campaign.

Moving towards to a trench with tanks in front and soldiers behind them. The trench was defended by 3 survived Polish soldiers... My lead tank a Pz IV take a hit (don’t know from where) and starts to burn on the rear but still moving towards to the trench after a few seconds the crew jumps out of the burning moving tank... a few seconds later the tank stops just before the trench.....

This was the moment for my Wow scream.


War Raven.

Ps, sorry for the bad English...

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Originally posted by War RaVeN:

Playing the German invading Polen campaign.

Moving towards to a trench with tanks in front and soldiers behind them. The trench was defended by 3 survived Polish soldiers... My lead tank a Pz IV take a hit (don’t know from where) and starts to burn on the rear but still moving towards to the trench after a few seconds the crew jumps out of the burning moving tank... a few seconds later the tank stops just before the trench.....

This was the moment for my Wow scream.


War Raven.

Ps, sorry for the bad English...

I've had a lot of moments of amazed amusement. For example, in the DEMO battle, looking down from a Nashorn as machine gun bullets whacked all around from hunderds of meters away.
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