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Missing keys and some questions


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There are no keys for hold fire, hold position and disembark, those commands are very important and usefull and i hope that is fixed in fullversion :confused:

-Very annoying is that the units cant remember the commands;

i.e.: if i set a tank to hold position/fire and move a few meters his behavior was changed back to move/fire free :rolleyes:

-Whats about some more commands like use roads only (works very fine in Officers game),

follow unit, take cover,...?

-why we can't turn tankturrets?

-why can't 2 men move the tripod Mg-34?

-why can't one man rotate a light AT gun?

Sorry for my bad english :(

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the disembark key is there used it in the demo serveral times just click on the truck en there on your right you got an disembark key also a key for unloading you AT

Hold fire didnt miss it or used it until now.

Hold postition is the stop button (i think it work for me)

the only option i miss is the shoot and scoot option

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Originally posted by Freeboy:

hold position and fire are the two buttons on the bottum

Yes, but i mean i cant set a key on the keyboard like for the other commands :(

Set waypoints was also not possible ??? :rolleyes:

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