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TOW Modding


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Terribly sorry if this has been asked before, but will Theatre of War be moddable?

I don't mean necessarily with new maps etc. (as I know that has been disproved as of yet) but more with new units, sounds etc.?

There has been a lot of consternation about the lack of Flak 88's, 17pdrs and Russian 85mms etc. and I'd have thought that if this game turns out to be like Close Combat there will be about 19 million people out there willing to model them, if it isn't hardcoded.

Certainly it would extend the life of the game immensely (without Gold, Juno, Sword and Stalingrad mods my copy of CC would be in landfill by now!)

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bad news, how I interpret the game files it's hard to edit them.

While mission files are relative easy to mod, main game files are hard to access.

I was not able to open them. They are saved in a strange format. I don't remember right, but I think it was a kind of archive saver for c/c++/delphi.

Can't remember right.

Maybe someone here finds a solution. (as far as these archives aren't password protected)

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I have many hopes that "Theatre of War" will be possible to same modifikation.

And i think someone will find a solution to modify the game in case of adding better sounds and maybe some stuff like 88 flak or 17pdrs.

But first there are enough stuff inside to have a half year fun...

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