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Ok, my nick on Matrix Games forum is Monkeys Brain... I am one of rare there who actually defends Battlefront.com. And on usenet. You will thank me later I guess lol

here's one interesting link:


hmmm... there were also other threads and also on usenet as well. As I am fan of Battlefront.com maybe I will post more here.

Because Battlefront.com is attacked on many places because e-license which is really too much and that's why I have registered here (again).

I will of course play this game and talk about it.

e-license is just another thing for publisher to protect itself. I will not ignore good games because of copy protection. Maybe starforce but that's another story.


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Thanks for the good intentions, but Battlefront has been "attacked" since day one for one or another reason, especially on use(less)net, and if we thought that we needed to defend ourselves, we would have done that ourselves. I am not sure if you're really helping or just throwin fuel into the fire. It's been some time since the last "forum wars", and we'd like to keep it that way smile.gif (it's also really pointless, we share many fans, and rightly so)

Some individuals hold grudges against Battlefront for one or other reasons - banned from the forums, for example; or hardcore fans of some old games feeling that Combat Mission and other games step on their toes; or simply nuts - and they like to voice their anger at the world in usenet and some other places.

The new eLicense protection is just another straw for these people. When we had a cd based copy protection (the so called cd check) people were complaining about that. When we had no copy protection (Dangerous Waters from Sonalysts), we found tens of thousands of illegal copies on the various networks overnight. Now we have eLicense which is infinitely more flexible to the user than hardware protections schemes, even more powerful than the activation systems some of the biggest download portals out there are using, and people still complain, and will continue to do so. Frankly we don't care, because anybody complaining will find something else to complain and didn't even bother to check out the system or is opposed to any such system, or even opposed to anything we do in general smile.gif Any concerns and questions asked here in this forum are answered honestly and quickly, and what happens on use(less)net is just that - useless smile.gif

So it's not worth "defending" because there is no reason to defend. I would therefore like to ask you to stop fueling the fire. Please don't misunderstand - but your good intentions might actually backfire, and if we would like an official spokesperson, we would have appointed someone smile.gif

It's also one thing to be posting personal opinions, but what you just did with your post here makes it more "official" and creates an "us vs them" front which, frankly, we're not supporting.

I can only mirror the reaction by one of the Matrix admins (hats off). Battlefront has no problem with Matrix, as they do not have with us. We play some of their games, they play some of ours. And we share many fans. We also share some nutheads, and that's just the way this world turns.

In order to prevent forum wars, I'm locking this.


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