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Multiplayer Tactic screen


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Ok i was think about MP and i thought about teamwork and the use of tactics.

I understand some pl use skype or TS to communicate during a game but there are others who dont.

Ok my point is:

* Would it be useful to have a screen that opens (like a lobby screen ) for the player(s) on YOUR side to have a quick chat before the battle begins.

* U could even have a map to place markers on

with info attached to it. E.G Megakill you are going to flank right and occupy this Farmhouse.

* Time limit for this tac meeting e.g 2-5min max

This is just a raw thought...and i welcome criticism, and im sure others could improve this idea.

Just trying to add something that could help it become more team orienatated in MP ..and lets face it we will often team up with people we dont know and those who we might we still may not use skype or TS.


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Ralph Waldo Emerson

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yea I like your idea.

Another way to do it would be to let the user hit a key and make the mini-map the size of the whole screen. This would be the 'tactics' screen and would allow you and your allies to draw, place markers etc and could be used in-battle at any time.

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Originally posted by iplaygames2:

That's one way to do it, but I'd prefer to see the game promote TS or some of the other voice communication software out there. Perhaps go as far as putting a link to it on their CD/download files.

I have only used TS on RPGs, but the value of it would be immense in an RTS game like ToW.

I dont see a reason why you coulnd't use TS and a 'tactics screen' together? Seems like ToW will probably NOT have a built-in VoIP system so an easy way for strangers to discuss tactics would help greatly. A program like TS would make the tactics screen that much easier for the people that have it, thus making everyone under the sun happy.
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Is it right to use TS for in game decision making ? How often could an attack not be halted or vital troops moved due to no radio contact. Then theres chain of command, not often in the allied armies did infantry have direct link to armour. On the other hand it would be fun. I think id prefer a message sending system within game with no guarantee of message receipt.

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Originally posted by stone75:

I think id prefer a message sending system within game with no guarantee of message receipt.

well I assume you are talking about MP team communication. If so, then wouldn't all communications between commander (you) and your units have to be modelled under this system also if you want to be realistic? This starts sounding more like a battle movie and not a game. Get your popcorn and watch the nice ww2 show! :D

I know you probably didnt mean that severe but then what kind of system are you thinking then? I personally want to have as much control as I can and a good morale system should take care of the rest. Too much 'no control' makes frustrated gamers. ;)

I think the system you invision would make more sense if each player only controlled one squad or other small group.

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I suppose its an RTS and comes with its limitations. Having full control over all your units is hardly going to give the feel of battlefield command. Even at this scale company sized units would recieve orders to which they would attempt to complete. Idealy units would be grouped and given group orders with their own CO ordering individual squads/tanks around themselves to attack/defend map points etc. This only works if the AI is top notch of course.

I look forward to the demo/game, this will answer many questions, the rest is simply speculative.


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