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Can't save games

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Not that I know of. When you hit alt-s after you've already named a scenario, I believe the game automatically saves the scenario (i.e. you can't name it yourself). It's been a while since I played last as I'm in the middle of building my new computer, so I may be wrong. However, when you enter the main screen to load a scenario, the saved games are shown at the top of the list in a different color than scenarios.

One other thought... have you installed the game to your hard drive? Or are you playing from the CD? If you're running it from the CD, you won't be able to save your game as you can't write to the CD (I'm assuming BTS has the disc's closed so no more data can be written to them).


[ 04-20-2001: Message edited by: BeWary ]

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Thanks for the thoughts. Before buying the game, I played the demo for a while and games saved just fine. In preparation for buying the actual game, I had a new Western Digital 30gb hard drive installed, as well as a 16mb Viper V550 graphics accelerator card. Other games save just fine to the new hard drive, as do data files from Word, Excel, etc. However, I can't save a CM game at all - which makes it difficult to play! Incidentally, I fooled around a bit with the Create Scenario screens, and nothing happens when I click on "New Battle" or "New Operation". The other Create Scenario buttons work fine. I have tried uninstalling CM and reinstalling it. The game's Read Me file says it's version 1.12. Any help will be appreciated, especially with the game saving problem!! Thanks.

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Thanks everyone - problem is solved - at least for the "Save" issue. And, thanks to MADMATT for his separate e-mail. Once I created a desktop shortcut directly from my hard drive .exe file, saving works fine. Guess I could have figured that out myself if I hadn't been getting so frustrated! :)

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