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Good news-a prewar scenario IS possible!

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I just tested it by modding Fall Weiss so that France and Great Britian aren't activated yet-and eureka! The editor didn't give me an error message and when I ran the campaign no errors there either. At least one major has to be activated tho (Germany) but that allows her to engage in various small wars against minors if need be. This assumes some unforseen issue doesn't come up and ruin the idea.

I don't know when this was changed-perhaps it was in the 1.01 release of SC2 vanilla, and nobody told us or bothered to test it-maybe it's a WaW thing. IIRC it used to be that each side had to have at least one active major. In any event someone can now build a 1936 scenario; me I'll probably go for a "grins and giggles" 1938 scenario where each side gets no units, a pile of MPPs and the freedom to build whatever units are desired.

A more serious 1936 scenario probably would focus on play in the Diplomacy screen in conjunction with certain events-for example depending on Spain's leanings at the appropriate moment the Spanish Civil War could very well be won by the Republicans, with interesting consequences for any future war in the Med. Likewise with the Austrian Anschluss, reoccupation of the Rhineland, and the Czechoslovakia question.

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Basically if I can get non-activated majors (read: Britian) to drop in political chits I would configure various events on a slightly randomized timeline to go off. When say minor country X hits a certain level major mojo happens-e.g. Austria starts at 30% Axis-when it hits 50% by 1937 the Anschluss will happen.

It would make sense for only Britian to be the one with the ability to do that, as France usually followed Perfidious Albion's lead, and since Germany should get more MPPs per turn you want Germany with the diplomatic initiative, as was the historical case. The general consensus was that Germany got proportinately stronger from 1936-9 as she gobbled up territory.

For those who are worried that Germany will forgo building any surface naval units I'll add a couple of scripts where if there are no German naval units within X spaces of Oslo and Stockholm then they get no convoys from those countries.

I'll play around with the editor this week(end) and see what I can come up with.

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