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War in Middle Earth!.

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If anyone is interested in making a "War in Middle Earth" MOD, just let me know that you are intersted in this project...and leave an E-Mail Address so that i can then send you what Websites i have, as well as the image's i have for unit's!.



[ March 14, 2007, 11:29 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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shawnt63 ... im having tremendous difficulty with MSN live Mail!, so it will take a day or two to try to send you all the pictures and information i have.

For example i tried to Re-Do send #3 around 15X and it just F**** up one way or another every time!.

So until later, i have had enough!. I will do all i can to send you what i have however i can!. Just please do something with it if you can!.

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I have sent another E-Mail to you Entitled...'Improved MAP Pictures & 2 .pdf files where you can blow up the MAP-Size!.

In the 'Attachements' box, the 1st 2-files listed are those 2 .pdf MAP files.

Save them in a more convenient location for your own need's. Dbl-Clk the .pdf file to activate it, then save a copy of it wherever you want!.

NOW!...there's no excuse for not having a good map with which to work with to create a MOD!.

You may very-likely need to recruit some professional help from this discussion forum to help you out!.

Normal Dude come's to mind at first!,...as he has proven that he is a gifted...very-knowlegeable rising star here. There are Many other's who are excellent as well,...seek their help..."As i really, really...want this MOD to become a Reality!". It would be a shame if it is not created, however to do it, Tolkien Fan's will be of prime importance so as to get the story right in this game so that it reflect's Tolkien's... 'War in Middle Earth'.

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Just so you know, I am a huge Tolkien fanatic and have developed a board game (private use only), two sets of miniature rules (again private use) and own a couple thousand of the GW LOTR figures. I have read the books over 80 times, and I am currently working on a joint venture computer game with some other folks. I have also written a play on the Hobbit and the LOTRs, so I feel pretty confident in being able to put the meat of the game together. I want to also build this into a Second age campaign as well after I have completed the Third Age, War of the Ring, campaign.

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WoW!!!...'You Are The Man shawnt63!!!'

...you are 'Truly-Dedicated' ,...and i thought that i was a Dedicated Fanatical Fan [Just Re-Classify me as ..." Joe-Shlunck-The-Midget " ]!.

WoW!!!...then i would say there is 'No-One' more qualified than YOU to take up the Standard and Charge Forward with it!.

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Just put out a 'Call For Help!' ,...the Artist's, Scripter Genuises, Game Mechanic Expert's...and otherwise will Harken to your call!


Added Later:

Including "ME!",...'The Picure-Image-Collector' and 'Information-Collector-Extraordinaire'!.

[ March 22, 2007, 03:18 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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  • 4 months later...

Hi I'm very interested. I am about half way through my own mod of middle-earth. I would like to help as much as i possibly can.

Contact me at damianleodean@hotmail.com

Ps. some ideas:

HQ = Captain

Corps = Pikes

Army = Swordsmen

Engineers = Archers

Paratroops = Scouts

Rockets = Catapults

Tank Group = Cavalry

Air Fleet = Beasts of the air (eagles, nazgul on fell beast)

Cruisers = frigates (used by gondor and the cosairs of umbar.

the heroes could b used as the captains

Mordor and isengard as germany and italy because all other evil warriors where merely slaves to the will of sauron and sauruman. evil minors could b angmar, harad, khand, rhun, moria mirkwwod...

good forces could be rohan gondor lothlorien rivendell/arnor (rangers of the north) good minors the shire, northern mirkwood...

[ August 02, 2007, 08:20 AM: Message edited by: Damian ]

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Thank you very much.

Call for assistance. I have compiled a comprehensive amount of pictures which would suffice for the bitmaps required for a LoTR mod but I am no artist so I am asking anyone interested and able to contact me and I will send you what I have. Also seeking the aid of a few decent script writers or any other assitance that people wish to render would be more then welcome.

[ August 04, 2007, 09:25 PM: Message edited by: Damian ]

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