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Honch Expanded Scenario AAR

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Well, my first email game has started with my bro using Honch Expanded Scenario Version 4. Here is the AAR:

First week Sept 1939:

Germans push into Poland and attack everything that moves. Cracow is surrounded but couldn't blast the defender to 0. German luftwaffe destroys the tiny Polish navy in Danzig.

Italy decides to mass on the French border while slowly building up in Libya. East African forces march towards British Somaliland and Kenyan border to get in postion.

Italy decides to blockade the central Med.

Polish retreat to form a perimeter around Warsaw as best they can. RN and French navies seen lurking around North Sea.

Second Week September 1939:

Cracow and Poznan fall. Warsaw is hammered but holds out.

Italy ready to pounce. The poor French can't transport their Syrian corps past the Italian blockade. Boo Hoo.

The British are up to something, the BEF and RAF have landed and the RN is off the coast of Belgium. My poor u-boat got stopped in the North Sea and was hit hard.

Third Week September 1939:

Warsaw falls and Poland divided.

I pounce on a French BB in the North Sea and sink em. I may have left the Kriegsmarine overexposed in the process. Another U-Boat gets caught in the North Sea. Damn! Whats the good of running silent anyway?

Whats this? The Allies have attacked Belgium and taken Brussels. USA and Spain pissed off.

Third Week September 1939:

Hasty moves to put German troops back on the Seigfried line. I move into Luxembourg and start to bomb the Allies in Belgium.

He sinks a U-Boat in the North Sea but I extract the Kriegsmarine from further harm.

First half October 1939:

Reinforcing my troops in the West and my navy.

Wow, now thats balls! Allies invade Netherlands but stopped short of Amsterdam. Italy and USA choked. Italy ready to come in.

Second half October 1939, mud and storms:

I kill a French army in Holland and get my Panzers in place. Continued dogfights over Belgium. I activate the Dutch Waffen SS! Cool.

Italy storms British Somaliland and smacks the British there. She also enters Kenya and sinks an Indian tranport trying to sneak past Massawa bringing Indian troops to Egypt. Italy advances cautiously into Egypt but El Alemein is manned.

Italy captures Nice and attacks Marseilles but the British are there as well.

Whats going on? The French abandon the Maginot and turn South against Italy and North against Holland. The French Navy hammers a few Italian ships near Corsica and Malta.

Some fighting near El Alemain and the RN pounds the Italian armour in Sidi Barrani.

Should I commit the Italian navy?

I can see the Indians reinforcing Aden.

Thats it so far.

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First Half November 1939, mud and storms:

Germany sweeps Denmark off of the map.

I also position an army on a transport off of Oslo awaiting the paratroopers to finish their training.

Italy conquers British Somaliland easily while a stalemate has ensued at El Alemein.

I destroy another French army but the mud stops me from consolidating my gains. I take another breather to upgrade my units for the attack into Belgium while I bomb Brussels again.

The RN breaks the Italian naval blockade of the Med and destroys 2 cruiser fleets! I think its time for the Italian navy to retire.

His attacks are ineffectual in Belgium and France.

Second half November 1939:

More of the same, a French corps dead, some dogfights but the mud is hampering all movement.

Germany gets advanced aircraft.

Italians move back to Addis Ababba in time to see the British expeditionary force marching in from Khartoum.

The Italian fleet goes home in the med to lick its wounds.

Italians seize Mombasa,thats probably as far as they will go.

My poor Italian fleet can't get back to Massawa in the Red Sea as the RN is hounding it. RAF from Aden is striking the Italian garrison in Berbera.

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