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Abbot, it should be obvious that it's not my feelings but those of who are directly affected by such events that I am talking about being sensitve to. Lethaface, look at the title of this topic, I didn't start the topic, I am giving my opinion, it's you and others who are telling people i.e. me, what I am thinking and what I should do. Anyway I have no more to add but I'm sure you will see this as more "Activist propaganda" lol. Cheers.

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First, is none of my bussiness if they feel offended. People does stuff that I don't like, but they do not harm me, I just shut up and in addition they don't care if I feel offended. I've taken a decission and is to not give a rat's ass about all that lobying of social groups and their sentimental causes, because if you do at the end of the day you can't do nothing or even speak, everytime someone will feed offended. Their problem, not mine, specially when they are so hypocrit that when they offend someone and don't care a bit.

As I fail to see how I'm contributing doing things worse in reality by playing a game like this, I'm not gonna stop play it if I enjoy, if that included blowing an IED and killing a VIRTUAL squad in the process, be it.

You are giving your opinion and we are giving our opinion ;)

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I think the point is gentlemen, there are many things in the world that are worthy of starting convos about, big problems that affect massive amounts of people, when THEY are all sorted we can start the "Is it ok to play games that imitate real world current events" convo.

Until then, ill be playing shock force safe in the knowledge that if me enjoying this game is insencetive, then im still better off than the guys that start real wars!

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