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Vegetation blocking line of sight


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Any one have this issue?

You're advancing towards the crest of a hill to get a good hull down position relative to enemy AFV's on the other side. As your turret pops over the crest you see the opponent Red Triangles but the vehicles themsleves are obscured by vegetation so you can't tell what they are, their facing etc. They can see you no problem and shoot away. You can either shoot blind, retreat or move forward until your LOS is unobstructed and you're no longer hull down (This is exacerbated if you are in an Apollo as the Turret is at the rear of the vehicle so you have to expose more of the vulnerable hull).

Also: When infantry are prone hiding in the grass they have an almost completely obstructed first person view because of the vegetation. It makes it very hard to ambush the oblivious AFV trundling past without standing up. (btw: It'd be great if infantry could kneel)

I don't want to disable vegetation in the graphics options.

On a positive note may I say how impressed I am with the speed and quality of the game updates. Big thank you to Clay and the team. Purchasing this game was certainly money well spent! smile.gif

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This seems to me to be a major issue, that the AI can see through vegetation. In order to man a hull down position on grass you have to fire from the overview, not the gunner's site. Of course, even though you can target and fire from the overview, it's difficult to be accurate sometimes. Certainly the AI has a gross advantage here.

This deseves looking into.


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Originally posted by B0nes:

This is exacerbated if you are in an Apollo as the Turret is at the rear of the vehicle so you have to expose more of the vulnerable hull

Drive sideways or backwards. ;)

I don't think this could be fixed for the AI without either expensive calculations or simply blinding them further. At any rate, players with foliage off will always have the advantage in such areas.

Not much to do about that.

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I was thinking more along the lines of making the foliage easier to look through - especially from an infantry point of view.

I've had very little success using infantry against vehicles. Successful tactics seem to involve flying in and landing right next to a stationary AFV before firing at point blank range. Hiding in concealed terrain in order to spring an ambush almost never works because they can't see a thing without standing up.

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I play with foliage off for preformance reasons, but it bothers me that I have an advantage for doing so. I know that the bots are certainly not hindered by foliage though.

Personally, I like the idea of making nearby foliage transparent.

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