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Some Questions :


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Hi Folks !

Still trying the demo out. I have a few questions :

* In a Campaign Game, how exactly do patrol missions work? I assume it's the one with the "plane" icon and a 0/0.

* What is






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Hi Sam,

Welcome aboard. I hope you are enjoying the demo. Full version is much better especially with the awesome expansion pack coming soon.

Dogfights/Patrols: victory/defeats are based on the damage or shooting down your enemys planes. For example, if you are in a 2 element dog fight and you damage one of his planes but you are not damaged, its a victory for you. Now if you damage his plane but one of yours is shot down, you have lost. If both teams damage one enemy then its a tie. Victories net you 2 points.

Fighter Sweeps are the same concept but you get 5 points for a victory.

LB=1.00x,MB=1.00x,HB=0.75x are damage modifiers based on the bomb points each bomber has in relation to that particular target. LB= Light Bomber (Like a Ju-87 Stuka) MB= Medium Bomber (Like a He-111) and HB=Heavy Bomber (Like a B-17F). This is really to ensure that the Heavy Bombers dont go on a rampage on those nice little carriers you have and so those Stukas cant decimate London. smile.gif

Now buy the game so you can play the rest of the campaigns! :D

See ya in the skies Sam


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Thanks Six! That makes sense. I'll probably get the full version this weekend.

* Can I install it on more than one computer? I travel a lot, and I would love to have a copy of this on my work laptop in addition to my home game-computer. I did a search on the forums and help and I just couldn't quite tell if I could or not, especially based on the new "registration" section that was added.

* I just did a look through of the rules: When a plane changes altitude and an advantaged enemy follows, do they gain/lose cards due to the altitude change? There are times I have to discard two cards, and I'm assuming that because the enemy played the Vertical Roll card to climb (climb: -1 card, Vertical roll: -1 card). If he used the vertical roll card to dive would that be a net gain of 0 cards if I followed?

* I played a couple of sessions of the Dunkirk campaign last night. Quick question, are there plans to be able to play and build up pilots through a series of campaigns? I read a lot on the forums last night, and I understand the balance issues involved, but it would still be fun to be able to "grow" and "build" pilots through a series of campaigns. I sure wouldn't have sent up my poor exhausted Spits on turn 3 last night in Dunkirk to essentially "suicide themselves" to bring down the JU-87's. Heh, it worked, but it was brutal (lost all four spits but 'won' the battle, and thus, the campaign).


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First off its Sixx. Six would be the far less sexy version of me and that just wont do! :D

As far as the running copies on your laptop and on your home system, Dan or Brian will have to answer that for you. My answer would be that if you are using it on the same account then it would seem ok. I have it on my laptop too so when I go to my wife units university I can sit in the library for that free wireless. If you are in the states, Burger King has it free in just about every resteraunt. smile.gif Anyway, Dan or Brian will have to answer the legality of usage.

Altitude changes in a pilot with no skills are +1 for a dive. -1 for a climb. Following an altitude change by an enemy can cause you to lose up to 3 cards to follow, depending on the skill choices. The skills to purchase for pilots to not be as effected are zoom climb, power dive, stay with him!. Shake him Off! is good to cause the enemy to lose cards.

As far as pilots being able to grow during campaigns, I am not as sure about this. I believe its most likely no at this point as its the most requested thing by us fans. I am not privy to all of the plans and sometimes they surprise me with what they have planned. I actually like being surprised though. Brian is a pretty smart guy , so if its at all possible then I am sure he will do it eventually. I will tell you this though, its hard to balance the campaigns and still not lose all historical value. As far as putting your stud pilot in there, it may break my beautiful campaigns! :( Also I believe Brian is the only person who programs on DIF so anything that may be done in the future will take some time.

Dunkirk is a fun campaign. But there are many more that rate better in my opinion with around 15 more upon release of the expansion pack.

Is That a Sixxkiller on Your Tail? Nope, You Have Had Your Tail Shot Off!!!


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Greetings! This is a fantastic game!

"Can I install it on more than one computer?"

Yes! You don't need the disc to play.

"When a plane changes altitude and an advantaged enemy follows, do they gain/lose cards due to the altitude change?"

Yes, you would gain cards based on altitude changes, but there are skills which can adjust the number of cards you draw. Let's say you are tailing an enemy pilot tailing you and he tries to change altitude. If he dives and you have power dive, you draw 2 instead of 1. If he has Shake Him Off! then you draw one less, but if you have Stay With Him! then you draw one more. Skill selection therefore has a dramatic effect on your playstyle. Pick skills that complement the way you like to fly. :D

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Having player-pilots participate in campaigns is requested frequently, so we will probably try to do that eventually.

The existing campaigns will probably be left alone for play balance reasons, and because the focus of the campaigns is not centered around the pilots. Instead, they are centered around controlling areas and managing resources (pilots and aircraft).

We would develop a new campaign system that follows a pilot (or set of pilots) through a series of historically consistent and related missions.

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Hi bartbert!

Thanks for the replies!

Well, I put in my order tonight...and promptly played until 3:30AM. Wow, you mean in a few days I'll get to fly and fight in something OTHER than Emils, Spit I's, P40's, and the Tony? :-P

I understand the issues with letting the players grow and develop their pilots through a campaign (or even a string of campaigns) - balance will ALWAYS be an issue. I'm glad other pilots have expressed a desire for this, however. Defintely tack my name on the list!

For what it's worth, even making these types of campaigns "single player only" would still just REALLY rock and alleviate a lot of the design headaches, I'm sure.

Heh, for balancing purposes, consider letting the AI ALSO grow and develop his pilot's skills through the campaign....the added fun of having the AI ALSO develop some hi-XP pilots would really add an interesting element to the campaign. "Certain" AI pilots would certainly start to be dreaded by the human player!


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Well Sam, in the expansion campaigns, there are 2 campaigns that have a couple of maxed out pilots. And from testing they really dont dominate, or do they? You are going to have to get the expansion to find out. smile.gif

And waiting isnt the hardest part now for you, its the terror you will feel when Sadahara Oni gets behind you. He isnt just a Sixxkiller, he IS Sixxkiller.


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Hello guys i am John from Athens Greece. I am new to your community and at first i want to ask you to excuse my english.

I want to buy ''down in flames'', ''combat mission btb + ak'' and also the ''modern naval battles ww2 at sea'' which i think is not released yet. I want to buy these titles by mail. I read about my options but i have to ask for some extra information.

1) After the shipping, the games will delivered at my place or i have to go to the port and take them?

2)When i must pay? Before or after i reiceve the games?

3) i must pay in US$ or i can pay in Euros?

I Know that the questions might be stupid but is the first time that i shall try to buy something in this way. So be patient with me.

I must say to you that you MUST release your titles at european stores because your games seems to be by far stronger than europeans.

Thank you and keep up the good (excellent) work. Imagine that i have not play yet any of your games. But the quality of them is obvious.

p.s. Sorry if i am offtopic. one last question.

i have a P4,

3.2 Ghz,

80Gb Hard disk,

1.5 Gb RAM,


Can i play these games properly?

[ May 25, 2006, 07:47 AM: Message edited by: ioann ]

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Welcome aboard ioann,

Hi there. I am pretty sure you can buy these games soon as a digital download, that means no shipping or dealing with customs.

Modern Naval Battles will be some time before it comes out.

You can also send me a plane ticket and I will personally come and give you all of my games. You dont even have to give me a return ticket as I wont ever be leaving. :D Just Joking.

And I think your computer will run them fine. But you can always send it to me and I can test it out for myself! :D Just kidding again.

My mother is from Athens so I will have to quick learn my boyhood language again.

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thank you sixxkiller. The thing is that i hane not fast connection to the internet, and i dont want to give the number of any credit card into the net (security reasons). As you have allready understand i m not familiar with the pc world.

You are always welcome in Greece (after all is your motherland), as long as you are not in command of military plane. In that case i must bring you down. smile.gif

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Guest Mike

ioann given the 30% discount you really should consider digital download - even on a 56k - as long as you have a download manager then you can spread it out over several days, doing it at times when you're not otherwise using the 'net - eg while you're asleep.

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