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How do the points work??

Guest Mike

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I tried to use one of my top pilots vs Kindred tonight, and couldn't.

Kin's pilot was 8300 points, or thereabouts IIRC, on the little "Game player status" screen.

When I put Algy or Fletcher up for a game they come up about 7000 pts, or thereabouts.

But they wre not available for this game vs Kindred - apparently they have too may points - they're about 30,000 accumlated EXP each (+/- a bit) - but I thought it was jsut the 7000 pts or so that they are rated at teh Game Plaer Status screen that counted??

I had a choice of 2 pilots - 1 would have to fly in a Spit V, the other could use a Spit XIV, so I took the XIV.

Strange thing is the guuy who had to fly the Spit V has only 90 accumulated exp's than the guy who had the XIV - 5926 against 5836, but when I played the game both counted as over 6000.......

I'm almost at a total loss as to how the points system works now - it's been what - 2-3 months or more since it changed? And it's still making no sense to me at all as a means of comparing pilots at anything abouve about 1000 pts

[ March 26, 2006, 02:34 PM: Message edited by: Stalin's Organist ]

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OK - well here's some examples.

Algy and Eccles - my top pair - look like this:

Value: 32549

Algy: 33733 accumlated Exp, Zoom climb, starting energy, shake him off, redline, quick reflexes, power dive, marksman, iron nerves, high performance, evasive (+ ED, redraws, extra cards) - 10 leader skills

Eccles: 12050 accumulated Exp, Anticipation, check six, distract leader, distract wingman, extra energy, leader advice, spoil aim, sweep tail, (+ ED, redraws, extra cards, take the lead) - 8 wingman skills

On the "Game Player Status" window their value is 6832

My up & coming pair is Smith and Jones:

Point value: 9871

Smith: 7227 accumulated exp's, high performance, marksman, natural pilot, power dive, quick reflexes, redline, shake him off, zoom climb (+ ED, redraws, extra cards) - 8 leader skills

Jones: 4450 accumulated exps, anticipatoin, check six, distract leader, extra energy, leader advice, spoil aim, sweep tail, teamwork (+ ED, redraws, extra cards) - 8 wingman skills

On the "Game Player Status" window their value is 9781 - 2900 or so more than Algy & Eccles.

But the only skills that A&E don't have that S&J do is natural pilot for the leader, and teamwork for the wingman.

But they have several extra skills to more than make up for that - evasive, iron nerves & starting energy for the leader, and distract wingman for the wing ...at least that I can see at the moment.

So why are S&J "worth" 2900 more on the starting player screen, and is this the actual value used to compare pilots when selecting opponents?


Oh and Algy's woth 523 pts - so even damaging him gets you a fortune and almost certainly a "win" in the game, Eccles is a mere 192.

Smith is worth 122, Jones only 76

[ March 31, 2006, 02:38 AM: Message edited by: Stalin's Organist ]

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In general, point values used for dogfight matchups are determined by adding the value of the aircraft, plus the value of the skills possessed by the leader plus the value of the skills possessed by the wingman.

Note that the value of skills is based on what your pilot actually paid for each skill. Since the cost of most skills increases exponentially after a certain point, the cost of a particular skill is very dependent on how many skills have already been purchased.

The cumulative XP possessed by the leader and wingman don't factor into the value for matchups. However, cumulative XP is still used for awarding points at the end of a mission.

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that throws a little light on it.

It gets rid of the accumulated Exp as being irrelevant.

But it doesn't tell us what the difference is between the other 2 sets of points that get thrown up -

What's the difference/theory behind the the 600 pts that Algy is worth and the 160-ish for Smith that somone gets for shooting them down, as against the 7000-or-so that both of them are worth on the "Game player status" dialogue box ??

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Well, the points that get awarded for damaging and/or destroying enemy aircraft IS based on the cumulative XP of the pilot and NOT on his skills. In fact it is essentially the old point system that we used to use for matching up pilots.

In other words, we use one point system that is based on skills for matching up pilots, and another point system for awarding XP.

Why do we use two different systems? Well, they used to be the same, but the old-timers may recall that there were a lot of mis-matched dogfights when we based everything on how much XP a pilot had. So we changed the measure for how pilots were matched up based on skills.

So, why didn't we change the system for awarding points? Because all of the skill costs were based on players gaining XP at a certain rate. And the aircraft unlock values were also tied to XP. You start to get a chain reaction where changing one thing makes you change something else which may cause something else to get out of whack, and so on.

We decided to leave the XP award formula alone and just try to get the pilot matchups to work better.

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Hi all. smile.gif Got my computer fixed to see THIS!! Hey Sixx. I know you are part of the Little Rascals "He Man Woman Haters Club" tongue.gif A 1000 kills! Sixx gets a 1000 kills , and MY COMPUTER BREAKS!! :rolleyes: That is not fair. Congrats Sixx. I didn't think anyone could get that far. ;)

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