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Dead with Escape Death?!?!?!


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Brian can correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is that Escape Death does NOT guarantee that you will live if you're shot down- but it greatly increases your chances of surviving if you are shot down. I don't know what the percentages are for surviving, and I may be wrong about this. So again, Brain (or rest of DiF crew), Help! Stalin's Organist - please note I did not ask you to post ;):D

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If a pilot has and Escape Death, it really shouldn't be possible for him to be killed. The process goes as follows:

1. Check to see if the pilot fails to bailout safely (about a 30% that he will fail).

2. If the pilot bails out safely, but the guy who shot him down has the "Target Pilot" skill, there is a chance that the safe bailout will be cancelled.

3. If it is still a safe bailout at this point, the pilot is out of danger. He floats to earth and lives to fly another day.

4. If it is an unsafe bailout at this point, the only thing that will save the pilot is the Escape Death skill. If he has an "ED", it is expended, and the pilot lives. If he doesn't have an "ED", he is dead.

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