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Game hangs

Guest Mike

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I've just had a minor disaster - sa game "hung" - sat there waiting for the AI to choose a target and it never did.

So I closed it down, my pilot got fatigued of course, so I flew my lowest fatigue pilot again to get some back (he was only 68 fatigue ...-7/-2/-2/-2), he got slaughtered but it wasn't enough to bring any other pilot up - every Brit pilot I have is now -8/-2/-2/-2 :( :eek: :(

Can you make "Nerves of Steel" a little stronger please!

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After a bit of a struggle "normailty" is now restored :eek:

I did notice however that I only ever faced 38 pt AI pilots when playing dogfights - this wasn't a problem - I got slaughtered as expected but no-one got killed, but then I had hte indignity of being told the game was a walkover or somethign like that - because my pilot was 100 pts or somesuch and hte points ratio stared:lost was massively in the other guys favour!!

The 38 pt AI pilots aren't much worse than mine - but mine have to count all the points spent on transient skills towards their points total (draw cards, redraws and purchased cards)

It's just not fair I tell ya!

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We've actually been thinking about changing the way fatigue works so that it's more like in campaign games. It would work something like this:

Every 9 points of fatigue is equivalent to another fatigue level, which has some additional negative effect associated with it. We could do something like the following:

1. Everytime a pilot flies a mission, he gets 9 points of fatigue (level 1)

2. If he is damaged during the mission, he gets an additional 9 points (which puts him at level 2)

3. If he is shot down during the mission, he gets an additional 18 points (which puts him at level 4)

4. At the end of the mission, every other pilot of the same nationality recovers 9 points of fatigue.

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Originally posted by Stalin's Organist:

I've just had a minor disaster - sa game "hung" - sat there waiting for the AI to choose a target and it never did.

So I closed it down, my pilot got fatigued of course, so I flew my lowest fatigue pilot again to get some back (he was only 68 fatigue ...-7/-2/-2/-2), he got slaughtered but it wasn't enough to bring any other pilot up - every Brit pilot I have is now -8/-2/-2/-2 :( :eek: :(

Can you make "Nerves of Steel" a little stronger please!

That's happened to me too a couple of times. What I did was minimize then maximize the screen, and it seems to fix the problem.
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I did try ctrl-alt to other programems but that made no difference - I didn't specifically minimise the screen - I'll try that next time if I remember.

The Campaign system is certainly simpler, and probably obviates the need for "nerves of steel" as a skill.

It happened again last thing last night - this time tho it was an ISP failure at this end in the middle of hte game - when I'd shot down 1 x 48 ptr and the wingman of a 2nd & was looking good for a clean sweep :mad: :mad:

The connection was lost & couldn't re-establish - I've yet to check what "damage" has been done

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Gret smile.gif

Another characteristic that might be pinched from the campaign is how it uses "draw an extra card" - you get a bunch of htem, and they don't get used up between games.

i think this might be a "better" way of having DAEC - as a purchasable skill rather than as cards that have to be repurchased every game.

I envisage that you could upgrade the number of cards between games, but the cost would be in the order of costs for a "normal" skill as currently - perhaps 50 for 1, +100 for the 2nd, +150 for the 3rd, etc.

Ditto for dredraw.

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