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Bomber escort


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I have been playing the demo and just ordered the game (waiting for it to arrive) in the meantime I have a question:

How do you possibly survive bomber escort missions? I try the Dunkirk campaign as the Axis and get thoroughly trashed because it essentially boils down to a 4 on 2 ftr vs ftr melee and my axis fighters just get overwhelmed because the AI ignores the bombers until my fighters are destroyed. These missions are not so much protecting the bombers as they are lopsided fighter scraps.

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The psychology for campaign escort missions is somewhat different than a non-campaign escort mission.

In a campaign mission, you don't get to pick your starting altitude, so you may find that you're in a pickle right from the start. However, your primary goal in a campaign mission is to protect the bombers (if you're escorting). If they survive, you get points. Otherwise, you get nothing, or the other guy gets points. If an enemy interceptor gets position on your escorts, climb (preferably) or dive away from the bombers and hope that they follow you. Even if they shoot you down, it may take them a turn or two to get back to where the bombers are, which may allow them to survive and drop their bombs.

If you're playing a non-campaign escort mission, your attitude will shift a bit. You still would like the bombers to survive because you will get extra XP if they do (and will lose XP if they don't). However, you don't want the pilots that you've been carefully nurturing to get killed, so if it comes down to a choice between your pilots or the bombers, you will probably let the bombers take it on the chin.

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I see what you mean. I just tried the Dunkirk campaign again. The last few times I played a campaign escort mission I was too aggressive, sending my fighters right after the opposing fighters.

This time I hung back (luckily started at a higher altitude than everybody else) and waited until the opponent had engaged the bombers. Once the bombers had worn them down a bit I dove in on them and ended up winning. I think the key is timing your attack with the escorts. I was attacking too early and drawing too much attention to my escorts, so the bombers never got a chance to contribute.

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Well Stalker, the same is true whether you are playing a campaign or ladder. Kill the wingman first if you can when escorting.

In campaigns sometimes it is better when playing the AI to get to your bombers level and let them take a few shots at the bombers instead of your leader. Sometimes the AI bomber will make the AI use a few of his defensive cards so when you attack him he will maybe have less cards to play. Depends on his draw and the level too.

In games between humans I can almost guarantee you the enemy player will go after your fighter element first if given the choice. Ask Zonso why he has to kill off my wingy so damn much when my leader loves his little wingy. Remember killing the wingman makes the leader lose all of his additional bonuses.

In ladder matches I also always go after the enemy wingman too. When you get high enough in level and can afford to buy OTS3:4 or a IMS2:Destroyed card its a given if you can get first shot on the wingman your chance of getting shot down is reduced greatly. The Destroyed card is expensive but if you get an ACE PILOT card in your first draw its almost always a kill shot.

Another good strategy is called Shoot and Scoot. This is where you have a vertical roll card and you engage the enemy with as much offense as you can then dive or climb after you have finished shooting to avoid the wingman getting to shoot at you when the turn is done. You may not have the leader in a disadvantaged or tailed position but the wingman shooting at you can draw away valuable defensive cards that the enemy leader can use to his advantage too. Remember the less shots the enemy can bring to bear on you the greater your survivability.


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Good points from Brian and Ray to get you started. Once you have played more you will start getting a feel for the flow of cards, AI and/or Player abilities and expected results/consequences.

In a campaign you have no control over where you start and that will affect your decisions. I am assuming you are playing the AI. If you are faced immediately by both fighter elements, it is best to get to the same altitude as the bombers, then one of the fighter elements won't attack you and it is just 2vs2.

The AI is predictable in its actions. If you strike first, you have to consider your hand and where you will be left. A combination of manuever/attack cards to take out the Wingman - A IMS:D/Ace combo to take out the Leader( I generally won't use this on a Wingman) - or as Ray said a shoot/scoot to damage and then pull away. All possibilities. If you have a poor attack hand but a good defensive one, it is best to pass on the Wingman and put the Leader in a disadvantaged position. That way you can weather the enemy Wingman attack and the AI Leader will pull away. You can let him go and then consider your options for another attack or follow. You will retain the initiative.

If the AI strikes first you have to survive as best you can and try to get to the same altitude as the bombers to let them take some of the damage. Your Wingman can help you get out of a disadvantaged position where you will be able to have the initiative, instead of just reacting.

Another thing to consider is the attack order. If you are number 2 then you should, if possible, go after the number 3 element to prevent them from attacking the bombers.

Against a human you can expect his two Fighter elements to usually gang up on you and you have to survive as best you can.

If your opponent has Quick Reflexes pass on the attack unless you are able to do something. No use giving him an extra card for free. smile.gif

There are many combinations and lots of strategy which makes this a great game. Nothing beats experience in becoming very good playing.


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I reckon whether you go for the wingman or leader depends upon the cards - these days I usually go for the leader with a 2:D card, and will get him 90% of the time.

This is perhaps more the case in "ordinary" games than campaign ones tho - in a campaign shooting down enemy fighters is a damned fine way to ensure better bomber performance later in the game!!

But in non-campaign bomber escort missions you need to remember that your primary focus should be on escorting the bombers - not on shooting anyone down. You'll lose a lot of experience if the bombers get shot down, and conversely you can get a lot of experience even if your fighters are shot down as long as your bombers survive.

Tailing a leader takes him and his wingman away from attacking your bombers - you certainly can't rely on bombers wearing anyone down in this game!!

If you can shoot down 1 enemy, then IMO your best tactic is to tie up the otehr pair - either by tailing them or having them tail you. That way there's only 1 enemy left to attack the bombers.

If they're tailing you then try to take them away from the bombers in height too - preferably to lower altitudes so they don't get extra cards by diving onto the bombers!

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